Santa Fe美規小改款車型,在輪圈樣式、尾燈/霧燈造型、保險桿/側裙造型與水箱護罩等處均有所更新,內裝部份於皮革與絨布用料改良,將Eco Indicator節能指示器列為標配,更導入觸控式操作衛星導航系統,結合倒車顯影系統與XM NavTraffic衛星廣播系統等功能。此外,多功能方向盤可以直接控制Bluetooth無線藍牙與音響功能也列為標配。
問世不久的AUDI新世代旗艦車型A8,於科技上有了全新突破,在其〝Vorsprung durch Technik〞品牌價值的帶領中,A8除了其所搭載的MMI系統有著全面化的進化外,更首次與Google Earth合作,利用其強大的搜尋功能與地圖圖資,讓A8成為全球首輛與Google Earth合作的量產車型。
Saab Sale Cannot Be Concluded Brand to be Wound Down 2009-12-18 Detroit.
General Motors announced today that the intended sale of Saab Automobile AB would not be concluded. After the withdrawal of Koenigsegg Group AB last month, GM had been in discussions with Spyker Cars about its interest in acquiring Saab. During the due diligence, certain issues arose that both parties believe could not be resolved. As a result, GM will start an orderly wind-down of Saab operations.
"Despite the best efforts of all involved, it has become very clear that the due diligence required to complete this complex transaction could not be executed in a reasonable time. In order to maintain operations, Saab needed a quick resolution," said GM Europe President Nick Reilly. "We regret that we were not able to complete this transaction with Spyker Cars. We will work closely with the Saab organization to wind down the business in an orderly and responsible manner. This is not a bankruptcy or forced liquidation process. Consequently, we expect Saab to satisfy debts including supplier payments, and to wind down production and the distribution channel in an orderly manner while looking after our customers."
Saab will continue to honor warranties, while providing service and spare parts to current Saab owners around the world.
As part of its efforts to become a leaner organization, GM began seeking a buyer for Saab's operations in January. Last week, Saab Automobile AB announced that it had closed on the sale of certain Saab 9-3, current 9-5 and powertrain technology and tooling to Beijing Automotive Industry Holdings Co. Ltd. (BAIC). GM expects today's announcement to have no impact on the earlier sale.
As the company continues to reinvent itself, GM has been faced with some very difficult but necessary business decisions. The focus will remain on the four core brands – Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet and GMC – and several regional brands, including Opel / Vauxhall in Europe. This will enable the company to devote more engineering and marketing resources to each brand and model.
A media conference call with John Smith GM Vice President, Corporate Planning and Alliances will take place at 9:45 a.m. Eastern Time.
General Motors Company, one of the world's largest automakers, traces its roots back to 1908. With its global headquarters in Detroit, GM employs 209,000 people in every major region of the world and does business in some 140 countries. GM and its strategic partners produce cars and trucks in 34 countries, and sell and service these vehicles through the following brands: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, GM Daewoo, Holden, Opel, Vauxhall, Wuling and Jiefang. More information on the new General Motors Company can be found at
前一代VW Polo BlueMotion的省油已經讓我們印象深刻,每公升能行駛24公里、每公里109克的二氧化碳排放,都已算是相當環保的車款。而這次新款的Polo BlueMotion比起前一代,更減少了22%的燃油消耗,這使得新款的Polo BlueMotion雖然不是一輛Hybrid(油電混合動力車),每公升卻能行駛高達30公里,二氧化碳排放量也僅有87克/公里,這數據實在令人非常驚艷!相信各位讀者也跟小編一樣,非常期待BlueMotion系列車款能在台灣上市,希望VW能將所謂的「藍色行動科技」帶到台灣來吧!
E-Class Convertible/ Cabriolet的車身尺碼與E Coupe相當,長、寬、高同樣為4698mm X 1786mm X 1397mm,軸距亦維持在2760mm。採軟蓬設計的E-Class Convertible/ Cabriolet能在40km/h的時速下進行開闔操作,整個過程僅需耗費20秒。
E 220 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY Cabriolet:170匹馬力 E 250 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY Cabriolet:204匹馬力 E 350 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY Cabriolet:231匹馬力 E 200 CGI BlueEFFICIENCY Cabriolet:184匹馬力 E 250 CGI BlueEFFICIENCY Cabriolet:204匹馬力 E 350 CGI BlueEFFICIENCY Cabriolet:292匹馬力 E 500 Cabriolet:387匹馬力、54.1kgm扭力
年底台北車展即將登場,HONDA Taiwan也於這倒數計時的開展前夕,公佈了今年展出的車單重點。今年HONDA Taiwan將以〝Green & Fun for Everyone〞為展出主題,特地商借Insight油電混合車及次世代環保車FCX Clarity齊同登場;此外,齊全的市售車款中,還將有即將上市的小改款CR-V!
Insight今年初甫於日本上市後,隨即拿下日本國內4月份單一車種銷售冠軍,是第一款達成此難得紀錄的Hybrid油電混合車。首次來台的Insight五門掀背設計,流線低風阻的外型車身,搭載發展成熟HONDA IMA(Integrated Motor Assist)系統,以1.3L汽油引擎及電動馬達合併複合動力,汽油引擎為主輔以電動馬達提供輔助動力,另外Integrated Motor Assist設有一〝ECON〞模式切換鈕,協助在各種行車模式中有最佳動力輸出,駕駛可以透過儀表學習控制油門,增添了駕駛樂趣也做到環保省能。
另一款FCX Clarity氫燃料電池車,2008年在美日發表即引爆話題,搭載最新HONDA FC Stack燃料電池馬達組,以電池內鋰離子電池板將氫與氧化合產生動能提供行車動力,煞車減速產生的能量並能回收存放電池內繼續利用,行駛過程中只產生純水不排放任何廢氣,達「零污染排放」目標。採用易取得氫燃料及無污染排放的FCX Clarity將是次世代環保車發展的新里程。
在汽油引擎的動力性能方面,首次結合BMW渦輪增壓技術、高精準燃油缸內直噴技術與BMW Valvetronic汽門揚程可變系統,搭載於全新BMW 535i Gran Turismo上的BMW TwinPower Turbo渦輪增壓直列六缸汽油引擎,轉速在5,800轉時達到306匹最大德制馬力。動力旗艦的550i Gran Turismo配備高精準燃油缸內直噴技術的TwinPower Turbo渦輪增壓V型八缸汽油引擎,動力輸出在5,500-6,400轉時即可達到407匹德制馬力。至於柴油動力的530d Gran Turismo,搭載1,800 bar噴射壓力的第三代共軌燃油噴射技術、配備高強度的矽/鋁合金曲軸箱的BMW渦輪增壓柴油直列六缸引擎,可輕易輸出245匹最大馬力。
延續13年選在底特律北美車展頒獎的傳統,邁入第14屆的ICOTY (International Car of the Year Awards) 全球風雲車大獎,2010年度全球風雲車獎項發佈與頒獎場地,首度提前到洛杉磯車展 (Los Angeles Auto Show) 舉行,並於12月2日對外公佈北美風雲車大獎得主。創立於1997年的ICOTY全球風雲車大獎,是由美國 Road & Travel雜誌主編 Courtney Caldwell所創立,並匯集19家美國境內汽車相關報紙、雜誌與網站等媒體代表,選出年度全球風雲車大獎。
These are the first official images of Mitsubishi's all-new compact crossover which bears the name 'RVR'. With this model, the Japanese automaker expands its crossover lineup, which already includes the full-size Pajero (also known as Shogun and Montero in some markets), and the recently updated mid-size Outlander.
Inspired by the Japanese firm's 2007 cX concept, the RVR makes use of Mitsubishi's mid-size global platform, which also forms the basis for the Lancer and Outlander.
However, at 4.3 meters in length, the RVR is 365mm (14.4-in.) shorter than the current Outlander SUV.
The compact crossover model will be offered at launch with an all-new 1.8L MIVEC petrol engine, though it is almost certain that Mitsubishi will add a diesel variant for some markets in the near future.
Mitsubishi said that the RVR will be released globally, including North America, Europe, and Asian regions including China, with sales set to start first in Japan next Spring.
越野車則是指專為爬山涉水而打造的,它的主要目的是為了越野,它們本身沒有太多的電子零件,即使是要臨時拆裝某些零件或是改裝也都沒有關係,僅此而已。所以大部份的純越野車會不惜放棄漂亮的外觀造型和豪華舒適的內裝以發揮應有的越野性能。純正血統的越野車有Hummer(悍馬)H1、 Land Rover(荒野路華)Defender、Jeep(吉普)Wrangler、Mercedes-Benz G-Class等。
從資料得知,GM原本要將旗下的Saturn品牌出售給PAG集團(Penske Automotive Group Inc.),但最後談判破裂,因此這場汽車交易也隨之告吹,因此GM不得不痛下決定結束Saturn品牌的營運以及關閉相關的經銷商通路。其實GM原本是有希望順利將Saturn出售給PAG的,不過問題卻出在,PAG原先計畫GM若在兩年之後停產Saturn車款的話,將改由法國Renault車廠繼續生產提供車輛,並經由現有Saturn的經銷體系銷售,但最後PAG這項計畫未能與Renault車廠達成協議,因此也導致與GM之間的交易告吹。
Chevrolet雪恥成功 同時由於本次超過八成的受測車都獲得五顆星,EuroNCAP表達欣慰之意,特別指出其中的Chevrolet車廠,三年前的Aveo只拿到令人難以置信的「一棵星」成績,經過原廠工程師的努力,如今新車Cruze卻有五顆星的傲人成就,而且在成人防護項目中拿到幾乎完美的96%高分,實屬不易。相對於此,TOYOTA無法繼續維持先前幾款五星級安全標準,最新送測成績只獲三顆星,EuroNCAP秘書長Michiel van Ratingen為此提醒大家,打算買新車的時候,不要自以為是地認為大品牌就能帶來安全的保證。
在操控方面,新5-Series 的前後懸吊皆採用與7-Series相同的複合式多連桿系統,然而在Driving Dynamics Control(動態駕駛控制)與Dynamic Damping Control(動態阻尼控制)等系統,以及Active Roll Stabilization(主動式車輛穩定系統)的搭配下,新5-Series將擁有更為精進的行路表現,而Active Steering(主動式轉向系統)的配置,也能在高速時提升新5-Series的轉向精確度。
而在BMW EfficientDynamics技術的運用分面,除Brake Energy Regeneration(煞車動能回收系統)、GearShift Point Indicator(換檔提示)等,BMW還特別以鋁合金材料打造新5-Series 的門板、車頂、前保桿,甚至是懸吊系統等,藉以降低車重。
The official, live unveiling of the 2011 BMW 5-Series, which carries the internal codename F10, isn't due until Monday, November 23, but the first batch of photos of the executive sedan with the 'skirt' lifted just high enough so we can get a good peak of the front-end design, have already made their way to the internet.
To no one's surprise, the wide, prominent kidney grille and the shape of the headlights of the new mid-size sedan are almost identical to the 5-Series GT "cross-thingy" which in turn was inspired by the latest 7-Series limousine.
When it goes on sale in 2010, the new BMW 5-Series will be offered with a mix of four-cylinder and straight-six turbo diesels as well as naturally aspirated and turbocharged six-cylinder, and V8 turbo gasoline engines.
Unless someone drops the lid on sixth-generation 5-Series earlier, we'll have the 'Full Monty' on the Bavarian automaker's Audi A6 and Mercedes-Benz E-Class rival on Monday.
Honda has released pricing for its UK-bound CR-V facelift that goes on sale in January 2010. The subtly revised compact SUV benefits from new bumper and grille designs on the outside while the cabin has been refreshed with upgraded fabrics and plastics as well as a new audio console. The most notable change for the 2010 model is hidden under the hood and concerns the introduction of Honda's new 2.2-litre i-DTEC diesel engine that can be combined with an automatic gearbox.
The new diesel powerplant, which debuted in the latest Accord, produces an output of 150HP at 4,000rpm (up 10HP) and torque of 350Nm at 2,000rpm (up 10Nm). It can be matted to either a either a 6-speed manual transmission or a 5-speed automatic gearbox.
With the manual gearbox, the CR-V diesel sprints from 0 to 62mph (100km/h) in 9.6 seconds and achieves a top speed of 118mph (190 km/h) while returning a combined fuel economy of 43.5mpg UK (36.2mpg US or 6.5 lt/100km).
不可否認的是,Mitsubishi Colt Plus自2007年3月上市兩年多來,以聰明便利的產品訴求與超低油耗的表現,成為經濟型消費者購車的首選之一,其亮眼的銷售成績一直都是國產車Top 10裡的常客。而這次Mitsubishi與7-11特別攜手合作,推出全台限量一台的「Colt Plus Open小將2010年跨年特製車」,只要上7-11活動官網參加「Open Your Dream」網路競標活動,就有機會成為這部特式車的車主!
BMW 335d Buick LaCrosse Cadillac CTS Chevrolet Camaro Ford Fusion/Fusion Hybrid Ford Taurus Honda Insight Kia Soul Mazda Mazda3/MazdaSpeed3 M-Benz E-Class Porsche Panamera Subaru Legacy Suzuki Kizashi Toyota Prius VW Golf/GTI 偶選大黃蜂!😍
The luxury labels have well and truly caught the hybrid bug, with Mercedes-Benz announcing this week its second eco-friendlier vehicle, the all-new ML450 Hybrid. First seen at the New York Auto Show back in April, the 2010 Mercedes-Benz ML450 Hybrid officially goes on sale on November 16.
Featuring V8-like power with four-cylinder fuel economy, the ML450 Hybrid packs two electric motors and a 3.5-liter V-6 gasoline engine that work together to provide impressive performance and fuel economy.
According to Mercedes-Benz, the big SUV returns a fuel economy of 21 mpg around town and 24 mpg on the highway. For comparison, the similarly sized but V-8 powered 2010 BMW X6 ActiveHybrid returns an EPA-rated 17 mpg in the city and 19 mpg on the highway.
The combined peak output of its two electric motors and V-6 engine stands at 340 horsepower and 381 pound-feet of torque. Fuel efficiency gains are made through a combination of technologies, including stop-start functionality, which helps to cut fuel use while standing still at traffic lights or jams.
Similar to GM’s Two-Mode hybrid system, the two electric motors in the ML450 Hybrid are integrated within a modified automatic transmission. One motor is dedicated to pulling away under electric power and the second is set up specifically for boosting acceleration.
In this combination, the ML450 Hybrid can drive solely on electric power up to a maximum speed of 34 mph. On hard acceleration, the gasoline engine is started automatically.
During braking and coasting, the electric motors act as generators, slowing the SUV and recovering kinetic energy. Under heavy braking, the vehicle's conventional brakes also come into play. Recovered energy is stored in a liquid-cooled, 288-volt nickel-metal-hydride battery that's enclosed under the rear cargo floor so as to not intrude into the storage area.
Joining the S400 Hybrid and BlueTEC diesel models in the Mercedes-Benz lineup, the ML450 Hybrid is being offered as part of a special lease only option (no purchase) for a monthly lease price of $659 per month for 36 months and $549 per month for 60 months.
A company's image can be a burden and a blessing. Volvo, for example, remains keen on ditching its image for boxy, lackluster automobiles, but it's eager to capitalize on its reputation for safety. With its sale from Ford's empire looming on the horizon, the Swedish automaker has been hard at work to spruce up its image, and this is the latest result.
Though predictably toned down for public consumption, the production-ready Volvo S60 sedan bears close resemblance to the stunning S60 Concept that debuted at the Detroit Auto Show nearly a year ago. Gone are the suicide rear doors and the flashy panoramic roof, and the shape of the headlights have been toned down just a touch, but the coupe-like roofline and the aggressive overall styling stay.
On the safety front, the new S60 features a new Pedestrian Detection system that – you guessed it – detects pedestrians and brakes the car to a full stop from up to 30 mph if the driver fails to react.
The new sedan will debut at the Geneva Motor Show next March, with production slated to begin at Volvo's plant in Belgium early next summer. Once out on the road, the new S60 will be gunning for the likes of the BMW 3 Series, Audi A4, Acura TL and Mercedes-Benz C-Class, all of which comprise of the most competitive segments in the industry. In the meantime, Trollhattan has released a pair of images you can view in the gallery below and a short press release which we've posted after the jump. Thanks for the tips, everyone!
Audi Q7自從2007年上市以來,成功將高度實用機能與出色的運動化設計等二個元素完美結合,跳脫出以往LSUV大多強調都會用車需求的格局,進一步滿足了挑剔的車主們在各方面的使用需求。在今年的上海車展,Audi德國原廠特別選在這個國際矚目的場合推出了更優化的小改款Q7,除了導入更為精悍內斂的外觀風貌,也為新車配置了先進的TDI柴油動力科技。
TCS(Traction Control System)中文名稱為循跡控制系統,或是牽引力控制系統,這個系統對F1賽車迷來說一定很熟悉吧。之前我們介紹過ASR(Acceleration Slip Regulation)加速防滑系統,其實TCS和ASR大致上是相同作用的系統,簡單的說它們都是一種防止輪胎打滑空轉的控制系統。
So what is this: a new Maserati SUV model; a concept teaser? Fortunately for those that think highly of the Italian automaker's latest designs such as the GrandTurismo, the answer to both questions is no. This is an extremely well executed but, sorry to say, far from sleek or stylish, independent design study for a crossover Maserati model created by Russian designer Andrey Trofimchuk. Furthermore, we couldn't help but notice some design similarities, especially up front, to the 2002 Dodge Razor Concept.
To be honest, if it weren't for the inverted A-pillar up front that was a dead giveaway, we wouldn't have thought of the American automaker's concept coupe. Well, at least that's what we think. As always, you can agree or disagree with us in the comment section below.
而當貨物稅補貼話題不斷被炒熱,今年在的新車領牌數目前也在10月20日前,達到20萬輛的表現,年增率提升到7.4%,而對於僅剩下的兩個多月,在政策尚未確定明朗的氛圍下,預計年底恐將爆出換車潮,不少車廠更將在年底狂推新車,諸如Mazda3/CX-7、Nissan New Cube、Toyota New Wish等都將齊發。
2010 Green Car of the Year(2010年最佳環保節能車)入圍名單公佈,共有五輛車款入圍,分別是VW(福斯) Golf TDI、Audi(奧迪) A3 TDI、Honda(本田) Insight、Mercury Milan Hybrid及Toyota(豐田) Prius,也使得這次的獎項將由三台油電混合車款及兩台TDI柴油引擎車款來爭奪。VW(福斯)的Jetta TDI在去年洛杉磯車展榮獲2009年最佳環保節能車,今年同樣入選的Golf TDI是不是有機會再次獲得這個獎項,也值得關注。
動力系統方面,Alphard共有兩具汽油引擎,入門車款排氣量為2.4L直列四缸可變氣門汽油引擎(原廠代號為2AZ-FE),最大馬力為170hp/6000rpm,峰值扭力為22.8kgm/4000rpm,搭配一具Super CVT無段自排具七速手排模式的變速系統;頂級車款搭載排氣量為3.5L的V6可變氣門汽油引擎(原廠代號為2GR-FE),最大馬力為280hp/6200rpm,峰值扭力為35.1kgm/4700rpm,搭配一具6 Super ECT六速手自排變速系統。
Hyundai is giving its Santa Fe a new lease of life in Europe thanks to new powertrains and a lightly refreshed interior and exterior. As with the Korean market model, the European Santa Fe gets a new three-slatted body-colored grille, restyled bumper, tweaked headlamps and fog lights up front, while new tail lamp crystals, a revised bumper and twin exhausts sum up the changes at the rear. The 2010 model also features new alloy wheel designs, and redesigned side sills and roof rails.
Revisions to the interior are even more subtle and are limited to what Hyundai describes as "a new Supervision instrument gauge cluster", a built-in navigation system, an optional rear view camera and refreshed trim.
The most important upgrades are hidden under the bonnet as the 2010 model year benefits from the introduction of a new 2.2-liter turbo diesel engine, which produces an output of 197 horsepower and peak torque of 422Nm (311 lb-ft) between 1,800 and 2,500 rpm.
Matted to a six-speed manual transmission, the new 2.2 CRDi engine launches the Santa Fe from zero to 100 km/h (62mph) in 9.5 seconds, an improvement of 1.8 sec over the outgoing 155HP diesel model, and on to a top speed of 190 km/h (118mph) while returning 6.6 lt /100km (35.6 mpg US) in the combined cycle with CO2 emissions of 174g/km.
The new entry-level petrol engine is Hyundai's 2.4-liter four-cylinder Theta-II unit that makes 174 horsepower. Acceleration from standstill to 100 km/h comes in 10.7 seconds while the Santa Fe 2.4 achieves a top speed of 190 km/h (118mph) with an average fuel consumption of 8.5 lt /100km (27.7 mpg US) and CO2 emissions of 203g/km.
Both engines are offered with a six-speed manual gearbox as standard and optionally, with Hyundai's new six-speed automatic transmission.
Already introduced in South Korea, the refreshed 2010 Hyundai Santa Fe will make its European debut at next week's Frankfurt motorshow and go on sale in most markets towards the end of the year.
Spy shots don't come any clearer than this! Our spies have caught Volvo's curvy new S60 saloon, completely undiguised and in production trim, at a photo shoot in Sweden.
Taking its inspiration from the stunning S60 concept, which made it's debut at the Detroit Motor Show this year, the showroom-ready version features the same swooping coupe roofline and neatly rounded edges. It's even painted in the same copper-coloured paint job!
Gone are the concept's suicide doors and carved crystal centre console, but the S60 still promises to showcase some cutting edge technology. A 1.6-litre direct-injection turbo engine, mated to a twin-clutch transmission promises to deliver outstanding fuel economy and punchy performance, while advanced safety equipment such as full auto braking with pedestrian detection will come as standard.
The S60 will make its official world debut at the Detroit show early next year.
Lexus has apparently released this new front-end shot of the Frankfurt Motor Show-bound LF-Ch hybrid concept car, now making the rounds on the Internet. The hatchback is quite a looker, especially coming from Lexus, whose present lineup is relatively staid in appearance. Unfortunately, the body style is likely to be a Europe-only thing, where the eventual production version will cross swords with the likes of premium-compact rivals like the Audi A3 and BMW 1 Series. It sure wouldn't hurt if Lexus decided to migrate that more assertive face to some of its U.S.-market cars, though. As it stands, this has a lot more visual appeal than the Lexus HS250h we get in these here parts. Stay tuned for a lot more on this car as it makes its formal debut in Frankfurt later this month. We'll be there, as always, to bring you all the details.
Toyota(豐田)的高級品牌Lexus(凌志)在過去的9年裡一直蟬聯美國豪華車市場的銷售冠軍。但在今年的前7個,月德國BMW(寶馬)的銷售量超過了Lexus。根據Detroit News報道,BMW北美CEO Jim O'Donnell表示:「BMW現在與Lexus的競爭非常激烈,在前7個月BMW的銷售量有些微的領先,不過我們預測隨著市場的恢復,在第四季時BMW的銷售量將會大幅度的領先Lexus。」
推出Lexus品牌的計畫最早誕生於1983年,那時候Toyota就想推出一款旗艦車型以和世界上的其他豪華汽車相競爭,毫無疑問的在經過6年的辛苦努力後,在1989年Toyota做到了。他們在1989年1月在底特律國際車展上首次發表LS 400,同年的9月Lexus LS 400正式在美國的73個經銷據點上式銷售。如今Lexus已經位於全球知名的豪華汽車品牌之一,未來的20年Lexus將繼續努力,創造更多的輝煌。Lexus生日快樂!
Renault Megane,以跨世紀的驛馬車尾設計,引領新世紀時尚潮流,榮獲Euro Car Of The Year歐洲年度風雲車、德國 Red Dot Best of the best最高榮譽及日本 Good Design Award 設計大賞,Megane更領先群雄,創下同級車第一部獲頒 E-NCAP五星頂級安全評價,成就全球首部同時榮獲歐洲年度風雲車及E-NCAP 雙桂冠榮耀。
In the run up to the official debut of the LF-Ch concept car at the Frankfurt Motor Show and only a couple of weeks after the release of a teaser drawing, Lexus issued a single photograph of the premium hatchback that is believed to spawn a production model as early as 2010. The five-door hatch targets the C-segment premium market with rivals such as the Audi A3 and BMW 1-Series.
"The LF-Ch combines stylish design and full hybrid technology in a practical 5-door compact package to fulfill the needs of the most demanding premium compact segment customers," said Lexus in a statement.
The concept model uses the Japanese firm's Lexus Hybrid Drive and according to the automaker, it benefits from an electric-only driving capability. But that's about all that Lexus will reveal until for now. More detailed information and a full set of photos are expected to go online on September 10 2009.
We brought you the first images of the refreshed 2010 Volvo C70, which was snapped by a Volvo forum member during a commercial shoot in Spain, back in June, but today the first official photos of the facelifted model made their way onto the internet. The most prominent change on the folding-hardtop four seater concerns the new front-end design with more organic details and softer shapes that is very similar to the S60 Concept that was reveled in Detroit this past January.
That means a prominent new front bumper arrangement with swoopy styled headlights and a wider and more pronounced grille. At the back, the facelifted C70 gains a new tail light design with LED strips, a restyled bumper and a larger 'Volvo' name on the boot lip.
From what we can tell by looking at the single press shot of the C70's interior, there don't seem to be any changes made to the convertible's cabin.
Since there's no press release, we don't know if Volvo made any changes to C70's chassis and engine range, but we suspect that it won't be long before the Swedes come out with an official announcement.
The new-look Volvo C70 will make its world debut in a couple of weeks time at the Frankfurt Motor Show and should go on sale towards the end of the year or early 2010, depending on the market.