Hi evrybody: One time, my father(BMW 730) cut the line and hit the Civic's back! Because the civic took brake suddenly. I was also in my father's BMW. Oh! Man!!! The 4 doors Civic became the 3 doors Civic. Our 730 just got little damage on the front bumper. Civic ...-_-...suck!
I don't know about LS or RS. My cars are ZX and MX6...^^ Sorry la I am not trying to show off la. Integra 140hps and 170hps Typer 195hps...right? All of them are good! Integra is a nice car !!!...^0^
Hi...^^ Why did you say sorry to me? I just come here for share opinion ma. That's it!...^_^ About HID. Man!!! It's so cool.I love it,but I don't have money to get one...>_< It costs US$925~1000, so so expensive. I think that you can order the real HID from Acura, but it may more expensive than aftermarket's. Of course, Acura's HID is better. The Acura worker should know how to put it on. I have seen Integra with HID once in Orlando and some Civic. Man!!! Cool!!! I just got the super blue light. It's enough for me lo...^^
Hi Type R and Integra R...^^ The only information I got was the type R only has Whilt. After 99, there is only yellow. The black one only sell in Japan, and it's four doors. I have only seen the whilt one and yellow one. The black one...maybe in my dream... ^0^..Haa Just kidding... Integra is pretty nice, otherwise there are that many people love it...^^ PS. I don't think that CL Type S faster than S2000..... just go to check the book 0-60, 70-100. It's should be fun. PSS. CL is heavier than TL!!!
Hi IntegraR and Type R...^^ Even my car isn't Honda, but I know how good Honda is. I think that all og the 1.8 cars, Integra Type R has the best performance in the world, and the best 2.0 is S2000. However, I am so sad that just some people know. Maybe, Honda should only make nice sport cars. Racing with Diablo...^_^ just my opinion.
By the way, your friend got the new M3?!?!??!?? The real six speed M3 or just put the M3 mark on!Or...or....your friend's father is the boss of BMW!!!...^0^ just kidding!!!
Hi Type R: I have a Q. Are you sure your Type R is black?!? Cause the black Type R only sell in Japan and it's 4 doors. You gonna sell your Type R!!! How much!!! .....98 Type R... Sounds good...^_^
Hi Type R...^^ 98 Type R should be pretty cool!!! I don't think you should sell your car. That's right! The new Integra is coming soon, like next year. I heard that from my friend. Your type R is white, right? Cause after 99, Honda only made the yellow Type R. Ya, I saw Diablo SV on the road one time. Awsome! Such a pretty car! You should change the front in Japanese style. That's looks very special and cool!!!
Hi everybody...^^ Just like "YU7" said: 多數"開喜美車的人都只注重改裝與速度, 把排氣管改得很大聲,然後加足油門製造噪音,看他卯足了勁,也不見得跑多快,順順地開,下一個紅燈他還是在我旁邊.....有必要這樣證明自己些什麼嗎?...不然就是在車陣中鑽來鑽去,還不打方向燈,或是任意插入車陣中,或任意迴轉,行為自私得令人想幹掉他!...雖然其他車種的駕駛也有這些行為,但以開喜美車的比例最大,所以各位喜美車主們趕快長大些...發揮你成熟的氣質吧!別讓人總認為喜美是小鬼開的車,真要玩車也別影響他人才是........
That's what I want to say in Chinese! I think that some people always misunderstanding...-_- I tell everyone again: Civic is a very nice car,but..... If Civic wants to race, it's not qualified........
***I hope that all of the people who drove Civic here are good drivers!***
PS. I live in FL, and I didn't see anyone drove ZX or MX6 faster than I!!! Type R.....^^ awsome!!! Could you tell me what year is yours?
Hi everybody again...^^-Read clearly!!! First, my car isn't Civic Si. I have two cars Mazda MX6 V6 and Nissan 300ZX unturbo (Fairlady Z) Second, I am Taiwanese ok! So, I can speak, right! Let me tell you guys again! Stock civic -slow Only Civic Si is good, and ((((Faster than IS300)))) If someone don't believe me, please go to check book!!!! IS300 3000cc 0-100km/h only 7.6sec CIvic Si 7.4sec Ya, right! Maybe the IS300 top speed is faster than Si, but speeding ....IS300 get out of here! I just want to everybody knows 1.6 faster than 3.0 (((how good is Honda))) ***My topic was tried to say: if your Civic is the stock, don't show your suck performance on the road, cause let me feel sick!!***
To tommy: If your IS300 want to race with me! Welcome, ZX or MX6 let you choose, but I think that add a turbo in your car first!
To the person who own Type R: Type R is a very nice sport car! It's also difficult to get one. anyway, read more book - Civic also has Type R- you should wake up!!!
Hi eveybody...^^ I wrote "most", not "all", ok??? Please, read clearly, than answer me! For me, I agree "most" Civic drivers aren't good drivers. However, I hope the people who drove Civic here are good drivers, I hope...
And...I didn't say that Civic is not a good car, ok!!! I say the stock civic is slow... The only one good is 1999 Civic Si 2door 1.6 160hps 0-100km/h 7.4sec Faster than IS300
The topic was copied from somewhere, so....not 都粉沒品 la!!!
To the person who owned typer: Integra LS, GS 140hps Integra GSR 170hps Integra typer 195hps 0~ 60 mile(100km) 6.6 sec CL 260hps 0~60mile 6.7 sec slower than your type R, cause it's too too heavy!!! M3 in US 240hps 0~60mile 5.5sec I don't know how could you faster than M3? You should make sure the M3 wanted to race with you or not!!!
To the person who owned typer: Integra LS, GS 140hps Integra GSR 170hps Integra typer 195hps 0~ 60 mile(100km) 6.6 sec CL 260hps 0~60mile 6.7 sec slower than your type R, cause it's too too heavy!!! M3 in US 240hps 0~60mile 5.5sec I don't know how could you faster than M3? You should make sure the M3 wanted to race with you or not!!!