Hi Type R...^^ 98 Type R should be pretty cool!!! I don't think you should sell your car. That's right! The new Integra is coming soon, like next year. I heard that from my friend. Your type R is white, right? Cause after 99, Honda only made the yellow Type R. Ya, I saw Diablo SV on the road one time. Awsome! Such a pretty car! You should change the front in Japanese style. That's looks very special and cool!!!
Hi everybody...^^ Just like "YU7" said: 多數"開喜美車的人都只注重改裝與速度, 把排氣管改得很大聲,然後加足油門製造噪音,看他卯足了勁,也不見得跑多快,順順地開,下一個紅燈他還是在我旁邊.....有必要這樣證明自己些什麼嗎?...不然就是在車陣中鑽來鑽去,還不打方向燈,或是任意插入車陣中,或任意迴轉,行為自私得令人想幹掉他!...雖然其他車種的駕駛也有這些行為,但以開喜美車的比例最大,所以各位喜美車主們趕快長大些...發揮你成熟的氣質吧!別讓人總認為喜美是小鬼開的車,真要玩車也別影響他人才是........
That's what I want to say in Chinese! I think that some people always misunderstanding...-_- I tell everyone again: Civic is a very nice car,but..... If Civic wants to race, it's not qualified........
***I hope that all of the people who drove Civic here are good drivers!***
PS. I live in FL, and I didn't see anyone drove ZX or MX6 faster than I!!! Type R.....^^ awsome!!! Could you tell me what year is yours?
Hi everybody again...^^-Read clearly!!! First, my car isn't Civic Si. I have two cars Mazda MX6 V6 and Nissan 300ZX unturbo (Fairlady Z) Second, I am Taiwanese ok! So, I can speak, right! Let me tell you guys again! Stock civic -slow Only Civic Si is good, and ((((Faster than IS300)))) If someone don't believe me, please go to check book!!!! IS300 3000cc 0-100km/h only 7.6sec CIvic Si 7.4sec Ya, right! Maybe the IS300 top speed is faster than Si, but speeding ....IS300 get out of here! I just want to everybody knows 1.6 faster than 3.0 (((how good is Honda))) ***My topic was tried to say: if your Civic is the stock, don't show your suck performance on the road, cause let me feel sick!!***
To tommy: If your IS300 want to race with me! Welcome, ZX or MX6 let you choose, but I think that add a turbo in your car first!
To the person who own Type R: Type R is a very nice sport car! It's also difficult to get one. anyway, read more book - Civic also has Type R- you should wake up!!!
Hi eveybody...^^ I wrote "most", not "all", ok??? Please, read clearly, than answer me! For me, I agree "most" Civic drivers aren't good drivers. However, I hope the people who drove Civic here are good drivers, I hope...
And...I didn't say that Civic is not a good car, ok!!! I say the stock civic is slow... The only one good is 1999 Civic Si 2door 1.6 160hps 0-100km/h 7.4sec Faster than IS300
The topic was copied from somewhere, so....not 都粉沒品 la!!!
To the person who owned typer: Integra LS, GS 140hps Integra GSR 170hps Integra typer 195hps 0~ 60 mile(100km) 6.6 sec CL 260hps 0~60mile 6.7 sec slower than your type R, cause it's too too heavy!!! M3 in US 240hps 0~60mile 5.5sec I don't know how could you faster than M3? You should make sure the M3 wanted to race with you or not!!!
To the person who owned typer: Integra LS, GS 140hps Integra GSR 170hps Integra typer 195hps 0~ 60 mile(100km) 6.6 sec CL 260hps 0~60mile 6.7 sec slower than your type R, cause it's too too heavy!!! M3 in US 240hps 0~60mile 5.5sec I don't know how could you faster than M3? You should make sure the M3 wanted to race with you or not!!!