Good to see your mail, Andy! Yes, the boss of 弘毅 is good, I like him too.
Why you cut the spring??? (Don't you know this is bad to 避震器?!) Tell you some facts of Probes with short springs.
(1) For rear wheel, the gap is bigger than un-installed. (2) For PSE, the gap is bigger than PGT after installed. (3) For 93 & 94 Probes, the gap is bigger than 95 - 97 Probes after installed.
My other friend's 95 PSE (Tokico+Eibach) is also high like yours. Don't worry about the "gap" so much! 時間一到, 自然會降下來歐! (也就是避震器上座開始損耗啦! 屆時反而要開始煩惱gap太少, shocks又不夠硬,輪胎會不會去和內龜打架哩!)
防頃桿 & 引擎室拉桿我都有. Yes, as your 悲慘 SEARCHING experience! 台灣都找不到,沒人製造也沒人賣! In my signature, (ADDCO RASB 22mm) 那就是後防頃桿. (RASB: Rear Anti-Sway Bar).
現在你一定在想: Damn, where to find/buy??? The answer is....... U-S-A!!!
What style 16" rims you got? 205/50/16 tires? 17"??? 你不是已經覺得你的PSE跑不快了??? Are you gonna make it SLOWER???
Get your mail & contact me, if you'd love to discuss PROBE matters!
Hi 小A, 我是Tony, good to get your question. ANATA23是我的PGT以前在美國依利諾州(Illinois)的大牌號碼啦! (ANATA: 日文 "你", 23: 當然是God of Chicago, M.Jordan的號碼囉, the key-reason for me to study in Illinois...)
Sorry for late reply, 因為開車去環島囉! (車到雨也到...@#$%^$#...)
Hi 小A, 我是Tony. ANATA23是我的PGT以前在美國依利諾州(Illinois)的大牌號碼啦! (ANATA: 日文 "你", 23: 當然是God of Chicago, M.Jordan的號碼囉, the key-reason for me to study in Illinois...)
Sorry for late reply, 因為開車去環島囉!(車到雨也到...@#$%^$#...)