All New Lancer的問題


2000/12/15 14:51:51


#9202 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
最近車壇出現了許多新車!!<br>小弟有想要購買!<br>目前較喜歡Lancer 及 civic<br>可是都不能試駕!!<br>有人說new Lancer的噪音比上一代大<br>不知道是真的還假的?<br>那新的civic會不會和上一代一樣隔音差呢?





2000/12/15 17:40:27


#9228 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
kick down表現平平


2000/12/15 18:01:13


#9230 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

Jack Jr.(jack_ho)

2000/12/15 18:58:24


#9238 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Koala, 請問你在那裡的經銷商給他試車的?我也好想去試一試


2000/12/16 04:17:25


#9304 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
new lancer 的變數相識鋼帶式 類似 maruch的 不市合於惡超 six speed sport mord only is like ,it is not real

Jack Jr.(jack_ho)

2000/12/16 08:48:48


#9321 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
Date: April 19, 2000
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation develops
GDI-CVT new age powertrain

19 April 2000, Tokyo: Mitsubishi Motors Corporation announces that it has
completed development of the GDI-CVT(*1) new age powertrain, which returns
very low fuel consumption and delivers sporty and smooth road performance.
Incorporating integrated management of MMC's low-consumption, high-output
GDI engine and of a new advanced CVT unit, the GDI-CVT powertrain will
drive a new 5-number body size MMC model to be launched in the near future.
The GDI-CVT new age powertrain exploits to the full the strengths of its
two major components: the At Will Torque Control ability, and the very
wide low-consumption operating zone of the GDI engine; and At Will
Shifting ability to control instantly and continuously a very wide range
of gear ratios in the CVT. Integrated management of these strengths
realizes significant reductions in energy losses and a 10 per cent
improvement in fuel consumption compared with the current GDI and
automatic transmission powertrain, while also delivering silky-smooth
power and performance with excellent response and jerk-free shifting.
The INVECS(*2) -III CVT smart transmission incorporates MMC's proprietary
Adaptive Shift Control and Optimal Shift Control technologies that enhance
easy-to-drive qualities by automatically selecting the gear ratio best
suited to road conditions and to the driver's individual style and
preferences. Available is the INVECS-III Sport Mode 6-CVT transmission
that features a manual shift override, enabling the enthusiast driver to
enjoy lag-free response and enhanced driving pleasure.
(*1) Continuously Variable Transmission
(*2) Intelligent & Innovative Vehicle Electronic Control System

1. Development goal
The new age powertrain has been developed using integrated GDI and CVT
management to realize outstanding road performance characterized by very
low fuel consumption and superior driveability.

2. Features
(1) Integrated GDI-CVT management
The GDI-CVT powertrain first of all exploits the "At Will Torque
Control" characteristic inherent in GDI technology - in other words, the
ability to regulate torque very precisely - to realize practically
lag-free response. The system also uses a new and powerful 32-bit single
chip microprocessor to integrate management of the GDI engine and the
CVT. By means of highly responsive and high-precision control of CVT
hydraulic pressure, the microprocessor keeps pulley pressure at the
minimum required for any given engine torque, across the whole torque
band. This has made it possible to significantly reduce the friction
losses suffered in port-injection gasoline engine and CVT arrangements
from the need to apply a greater than necessary pulley pressure to
prevent slippage between belts and pulleys. The happy result is lower
fuel consumption.
The GDI-CVT powertrain also exploits the "At Will Shifting"
characteristic of the CVT, which permits fast and continuous shifting
over a very wide range of gear ratios. This makes it possible to extract
to the full the low fuel consumption performance of the GDI engine at
low engine speeds - something not possible with a conventional automatic
The GDI-CVT arrangement also enables injection of fuel is to be cut off
over a wider engine speed band when decelerating, again contributing to
a reduction in fuel consumption.
The low fuel consumption qualities of the GDI-CVT powertrain do not result
in any sacrifice in performance, however. When the driver puts his foot
down, response is instantaneous and the engine revs fast to generate
maximum output for stress-free and sporty motoring.
(2) Evolution from INVECS-II to INVECS-III CVT
From the INVECS-II smart stepped automatic transmission, INVECS-III CVT
inherits Optimum Shift Control, which uses a shift pattern based on a
large number of average drivers, and Adaptive Shift Control, which
tailors shifting to accommodate individual driving styles and
preferences. It also exploits the At Will Shifting properties of a CVT,
with its step-less shifting, to logically and instantly select the
optimum gear ratio for any given situation. INVECS-III CVT also
eliminates the unpleasant jerkiness that accompanies shifting.
Available, the INVECS-III Sport Mode 6-CVT features six fixed pulley
diameter settings and a manual shift gate to enable the driver to
override the automatic and select his gear of choice. On top of the
silky-smooth performance delivered by the INVECS-III CVT, this version
provides six gear ratios optimally suited to sporty driving and enhances
the fun-to-drive qualities of the car for the enthusiast driver.


2000/12/16 10:53:51


#9335 IP 0.0.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
我也是看中lancer但也有聽說它因為低轉速高扭力的關係,所以引擊過3000轉時就會比較吵!!所以我把目標改向virage,想想兩款車頂級之差價約六萬,但光是1.8升及兩個air bag就不只這錢了,稅金是比較貴,但算來算去還是ㄝ合!!你可以考慮看看!!至於七代喜美也是不錯,但我和朋友討論的結果一致認為訂價太高,議價空間又不大,1.7升賣到68.8萬,和virage只差一仟元,vcd還要選配多加2萬1仟.....嘿嘿嘿,看來看去真的有點不划算....所以小弟目前只考慮virage及等待toyota新車發表!!
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