Audi A6 Avant 2012 正式發表 


2012/02/03 09:16:21


#4022771 IP 239.251.*.* 修改過 3 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2012/02/03 09:16:21

發文IP 239.251.*.*

[color="#00007F"][b]Audi A6 Avant 2012 正式發表[/b][/color] 轉貼[url=""][/url] . . . . [b]2012 Audi A6 Avant終於在昨天正式亮相了。其車身設計充滿了前衛與動感。 2012 A6 Avant的車頭設計一樣有著家族式的盾型大水箱護罩,傾斜的車頂優雅而動感, 而"輕量化"似乎是最能形容2012 A6 Avant的話語。新A6 Avant車身上的鋁合金材質逹20%, 再入高強度鋼材,整體車重比前一代A6 Avant輕了69.8公斤。 以入門級A6 2.0 TDI Avant為例,新A6 2.0 TDI Avnat就僅重1640公斤。 [愛心][愛心][愛心][愛心][/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

2012/02/03 09:16:36

發文IP 239.251.*.*

[color="#00007F"][b]Audi A6 Avant 2012 正式發表[/b][/color] 轉貼[url=""][/url] . . . . [b]2012 Audi A6 Avant終於在昨天正式亮相了。其車身設計充滿了前衛與動感。 2012 A6 Avant的車頭設計一樣有著家族式的盾型大水箱護罩,傾斜的車頂優雅而動感, 而"輕量化"似乎是最能形容2012 A6 Avant的話語。新A6 Avant車身上的鋁合金材質逹20%, 再入高強度鋼材,整體車重比前一代A6 Avant輕了69.8公斤。 以入門級A6 2.0 TDI Avant為例,新A6 2.0 TDI Avnat就僅重1640公斤。 [愛心][愛心][愛心][愛心][/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

2012/02/03 10:15:21

發文IP 239.251.*.*

[color="#00007F"][b]Audi A6 Avant 2012 正式發表[/b][/color] 轉貼[url=""][/url] . . . . [b]2012 Audi A6 Avant終於在昨天正式亮相了。其車身設計充滿了前衛與動感。 2012 A6 Avant的車頭設計一樣有著家族式的盾型大水箱護罩,傾斜的車頂優雅而動感, 而"輕量化"似乎是最能形容2012 A6 Avant的話語。新A6 Avant車身上的鋁合金材質逹20%, 再入高強度鋼材,整體車重比前一代A6 Avant輕了69.8公斤。 以A6 2.0 TDI Avant為例,新A6 2.0 TDI Avnat就僅重1640公斤。 [愛心][愛心][愛心][愛心][/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

2012/02/03 10:15:44

發文IP 239.251.*.*

[color="#00007F"][b]Audi A6 Avant 2012 正式發表[/b][/color] 轉貼[url=""][/url] . . . . [b]2012 Audi A6 Avant終於在昨天正式亮相了。其車身設計充滿了前衛與動感。 2012 A6 Avant的車頭設計一樣有著家族式的盾型大水箱護罩,傾斜的車頂優雅而動感, "輕量化"似乎是最能形容2012 A6 Avant。新A6 Avant車身上的鋁合金材質逹20%, 再入高強度鋼材,整體車重比前一代A6 Avant輕了69.8公斤。 以A6 2.0 TDI Avant為例,新A6 2.0 TDI Avnat就僅重1640公斤。 [愛心][愛心][愛心][愛心][/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
Audi A6 Avant 2012 正式發表
2012 Audi A6 Avant終於在昨天正式亮相了。其車身設計充滿了前衛與動感。

2012 A6 Avant的車頭設計一樣有著家族式的盾型大水箱護罩,傾斜的車頂優雅而動感,
"輕量化"似乎是最能形容2012 A6 Avant。新A6 Avant車身上的鋁合金材質逹20%,
再入高強度鋼材,整體車重比前一代A6 Avant輕了69.8公斤。
以A6 2.0 TDI Avant為例,新A6 2.0 TDI Avnat就僅重1640公斤。





2012/02/03 09:17:08


#4022773 IP 64.193.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
RS6 到底什麼時候發表 😞😞😞


2012/02/03 09:31:59


#4022836 IP 250.118.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
RS6 到底什麼時候發表 😞😞😞

😲 😲 😲




2012/02/03 09:35:34


#4022847 IP 92.135.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
RS6 到底什麼時候發表 😞😞😞



2012/02/03 10:45:05


#4023224 IP 239.250.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 coolfat (那些年我們失戀的心情) 所寫
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
RS6 到底什麼時候發表 😞😞😞


生活就是一種資產、財富,選擇生活的過程 不僅反應了人生態度,更反應了人生的智慧


2012/02/03 10:47:41


#4023240 IP 189.219.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
RS6 到底什麼時候發表 😞😞😞



2012/02/03 10:48:14


#4023245 IP 64.193.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
回應 zenowang (老王賣瓜) 所寫
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
RS6 到底什麼時候發表 😞😞😞


隨便問問的 😇


2012/02/03 10:55:37


#4023297 IP 239.251.*.* 修改過 2 次 (顯示最近5筆修改紀錄) 檢舉這篇文章

2012/02/03 10:55:37

發文IP 239.251.*.*

[quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)]RS6 到底什麼時候發表 [很悶][很悶][很悶][/quote] [color="#00007F"][b]“The New Audi RS6 will be ready in 2012″[/b][/color] from : [url=""][/url] . . . . Quattro GmbH ever promised us that they will finally get on with achieving new RS-fiddling. This desire of many Audifielen seems to come that the new-fangled RS6 2012 on the market. So far, the speculation about the next-gen RS6 from so-called ‘sources’ at Audi. Themselves deny they even have to confirm how the valve caps look like. In short, it remains to be seen how exactly the fork in the stem. We now know that Audi Bentley with a new V8 engine is firing. the V10 to the past. Would naturally aspirated eight-cylinder in the S6 should be placed (400hp) this turbo engine in the Audi RS6 cough up more than 550 hp. All these will be more horsepower than required, they want the next M5, with its 575 hp, To continue. [傻笑][傻笑][傻笑][傻笑] [img][/img]

2012/02/03 10:55:56

發文IP 239.251.*.*

[quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)]RS6 到底什麼時候發表 [很悶][很悶][很悶][/quote] [color="#00007F"][b]“The New Audi RS6 will be ready in 2012″[/b][/color] from : [url=""][/url] . . . . Quattro GmbH ever promised us that they will finally get on with achieving new RS-fiddling. This desire of many Audifielen seems to come that the new-fangled RS6 2012 on the market. So far, the speculation about the next-gen RS6 from so-called ‘sources’ at Audi. Themselves deny they even have to confirm how the valve caps look like. In short, it remains to be seen how exactly the fork in the stem. We now know that Audi Bentley with a new V8 engine is firing. the V10 to the past. Would naturally aspirated eight-cylinder in the S6 should be placed (400hp) this turbo engine in the Audi RS6 cough up more than 550 hp. All these will be more horsepower than required, they want the next M5, with its 575 hp, To continue. [傻笑][傻笑][傻笑][傻笑] [img][/img]

2012/02/03 10:56:12

發文IP 239.251.*.*

[quote=dave1120 (低調小跟班)]RS6 到底什麼時候發表 [很悶][很悶][很悶][/quote] [color="#00007F"][b]“The New Audi RS6 will be ready in 2012″[/b][/color] from : [url=""][/url] . . . . Quattro GmbH ever promised us that they will finally get on with achieving new RS-fiddling. This desire of many Audifielen seems to come that the new-fangled RS6 2012 on the market. So far, the speculation about the next-gen RS6 from so-called ‘sources’ at Audi. Themselves deny they even have to confirm how the valve caps look like. In short, it remains to be seen how exactly the fork in the stem. We now know that Audi Bentley with a new V8 engine is firing. the V10 to the past. Would naturally aspirated eight-cylinder in the S6 should be placed (400hp) this turbo engine in the Audi RS6 cough up more than 550 hp. All these will be more horsepower than required, they want the next M5, with its 575 hp, To continue. [傻笑][傻笑][傻笑][傻笑] [img][/img]
回應 dave1120 (低調小跟班) 所寫
RS6 到底什麼時候發表 😞😞😞

“The New Audi RS6 will be ready in 2012″
from :
Quattro GmbH ever promised us that they will finally get on with achieving new RS-fiddling.
This desire of many Audifielen seems to come that the new-fangled RS6 2012 on the market.

So far, the speculation about the next-gen RS6 from so-called ‘sources’ at Audi.
Themselves deny they even have to confirm how the valve caps look like.
In short, it remains to be seen how exactly the fork in the stem.

We now know that Audi Bentley with a new V8 engine is firing. the V10 to the past.
Would naturally aspirated eight-cylinder in the S6 should be placed (400hp)
this turbo engine in the Audi RS6 cough up more than 550 hp.
All these will be more horsepower than required, they want the next M5, with its 575 hp, To continue.


2012/02/03 15:01:04


#4024064 IP 189.58.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
跑車的精準操控 在LSUV上極速展演 擁有跑車靈魂的LSUV FX50.FX35 ~魅.力.無限INFINITI~ ~BMW M550d xDrive~


2012/02/16 20:32:57


#4054743 IP 246.167.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章


2012/02/16 20:56:29


#4054781 IP 239.251.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章

很婉轉的.....................把吐血的某一級價格, 講的很有技術面

不過, 真的很客觀, 對大部分人而言, Q? what's that....

要賣得很好.... 甚至好過所謂那一年多前上市的品牌, 很難

至於台灣要好過那個掉漆的品牌's possible...



2012/02/16 21:52:05


#4054875 IP 189.228.*.* 無任何修改 檢舉這篇文章
為滿足準車主「客製化」需求,Maserati啟用全新Fuoriserie創作工坊,並推出客製化MC20 Cielo “Less is More…?”。
中華汽車召開線上法說會,預告ET35 8月上市,同時三菱新車也會在年底完成量產準備,預期這款新車會是XForce。

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